和の建築 茶室・数寄屋 |
建築のみならず個々の玄関扉、障子、神棚や仏壇、欄間、彫刻等もオリジナル製作しています。 |
Space condensed microcosm.
Based on traditional culture, localities, historical climate, environment, and local areas, we are working on Japanese-style living spaces that are suitable for living in each region. It is a breathing architecture made of natural materials. It is not a single, homogeneous space made of modern industrial products, but a living and unique space that is unique and open to natural cosmos. We believe that diversity of beauty should be found not only in industrial beauty, but also in individual expressions of humans that make use of nature. In addition to architecture, we also produce original doors, shoji, shrines, altars, ranches, and sculptures. |